Výber z publikácií
Najnovšie publikácie
BÓNA, J., GALLAY, M., MACKOVÁ, A., BÓNOVÁ, K., LITTVA, J., HÓK, J. (2024). Travertine and calcareous tufa occurrences as an indicator of the ongoing tectonic activity of the Central Slovak Fault System inferred from airborne laser scanning data, geomorphometric, and structural analysis (Northern Slovakia). Geomorphology, 109420, in press.
NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J., LIPTÁK, F. (2024). Regional fertility predictors based on socioeconomic determinants in Slovakia. Journal of Population Research, 41, 20.
TOKARČÍK, O., HOFIERKA, J. (2024). Designing flash flood control measures for urban areas using the Monte Carlo water flow simulation. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 15, 1, 2361806.
BÓNOVÁ, K., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., BÓNA, J., NOVÁKOVÁ, M., ŠURKA, J., BARABAS, D. (2024). Changes in detrital garnet grain morphology and microtextures during fluvial transport in the Western Carpathians revealed by scanning electron microscopy and 3D model analysis: Implication for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Sedimentary Geology, 467, 106652.
RUSNÁK, M., KAŇUK, J., KIDOVÁ, A., LEHOTSKÝ, M., PIÉGAY, H., SLÁDEK, J., MICHALEJE, L. (2024). Inferring channel incision in gravel-bed rivers: IntegratingLiDAR data, historical aerial photographs and drone-based SfM topo-bathymetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Accepted.
WEN, D., HUANG, Y., HUANG, Y., DING, N., NI, K., WANG, H., ELRYS, A. S., MENG, L., ZHU, T., GESSERT, A., MÜLLER, CH. (2024). Karst rocky desertification restoration increases soil inorganic N supply to reduce plant N limitation. Catena, 241, 108012.
RUSNÁK, J., KULLA, M., HORŇÁK, M. (2024). Related variety, region-specific context, and regional economic performance: Empirical evidence from post-socialist Slovakia. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 78, 1, 20-39.
BÓNOVÁ, K., BÓNA, J., MIKUŠ, T., FERKOVÁ, A. (2024). Heavy minerals of the aeolian sediments in the East Slovak Basin (Western Carpathians) – Implications for their origin, transport process and sedimentary history. Aeolian Research 66, 100897, 1-18.
BÓNOVÁ, K., BÓNA, J., GALLAY, M., HÓK, J., BELLA, P., PAŃCZYK, M., HRAŠKO, Ľ., MIKUŠ, T. (2024). Reconstruction of ancient drainage in the contact karst of the Harmanecká dolina Valley, Western Carpathians, based on mineralogical data from the allochthonous sediments and isobase geomorphometry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49, 1682-1704.
RASCHMANOVÁ, M., MARCIN, M., MIKLISOVÁ, D., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., KAŇUK, J., KOVÁČ, Ľ. (2024). Karst landforms as microrefugia for soil Collembola: Open versus forested dolines. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. Accepted.
MINÁR, J., DRĂGUŢ, L., EVANS, I.S., FECISKANIN, R., GALLAY, M., JENČO, M., POPOV, A. (2024). Physical geomorphometry for elementary land surface segmentation and digital geomorphological mapping. Earth-Science Reviews, 104631.
Výber z roku 2023
GESSERT, A., HOCHMUTH, Z. (2023). Seasonal dynamics of karst dissolution based on a limestone tablets experiment in the Slovak Karst region. International Journal of Speleology, 52 (2), 139-147.
MULVEY, P., MULVEY, F., DMYTRUK, Y., CHERLINKA, V., BOINCEAN, B., BAI, Z., DENT, D. (2023). Hidden in plain sight. Global heating, the small water cycle, and the social contract. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1-12.
GALLAY, M., KAŇUK, J., ZGRAGGEN, C., IMBACH, B., ŠAŠAK, J., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., HOLLAUS, M. (2023). Unpiloted Airborne Laser Scanning of a Mixed Forest. A Case Study from the Alps, Austria. In: Meneely, J. (Ed.), 3D Imaging of the Environment: Mapping and Monitoring. 1-13.
KAŇUK, J., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., MENEELY, J., HOCHMUTH, Z., ŠAŠAK, J., GALLAY, M., CALLIERI, M. (2023). Laser Scanning of a Complex Cave System during Multiple Campaigns. A Case Study of the Domica Cave, Slovakia. In: Meneely, J. (Ed.), 3D Imaging of the Environment: Mapping and Monitoring. 1-26.
ZAWILIŃSKA, B., NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J., MATEI, E., ŠVAJDA, J., ŁAPCZYŃSKI, M., MAJEWSKI, K., MEGYERI, B., COSMIN CĂLIN, A., GESSERT, A. (2023). Applying Q-methodology to investigate the perception of the social and economic role of the national park by local stakeholders. Cases of national parks in the Carpathians. Journal for Nature Conservation, 75 126459.
NOVOTNÝ, L., PREGI, L., NOVOTNÁ, J. (2023). East-west or up the urban hierarchy? Internal migration patterns in Slovakia since post-socialist transformation to COVID-19 pandemic. Eurasian Geography and Economics. Accepted.
NOSÁĽOVÁ, L., KOLESAR FECSKEOVÁ, L., PIKNOVÁ, M., BÓNOVÁ, K., PRISTAŠ, P. (2023). Unique Populations of Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria in Natural Cold Sulfur Springs in Slovakia. Geomicrobiology Journal 40 (4), 315-324.
Výber z roku 2022
FEDOR, T., HOFIERKA, J. (2022). Comparison of urban heat island diurnal cycles under various atmospheric conditions using WRF-UCM. Atmosphere 13 (12), 2057.
MARCIN, M., RASCHMANOVÁ, N., MIKLISOVÁ, D., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., KAŇUK, J., KOVÁČ, Ľ. (2022). Karst Dolines Support Highly Diversified Soil Collembola Communities—Possible Refugia in a Warming Climate? Diversity 14 (12), 1037.
DMYTRUK, Y., CHERLINKA, V. (2022). Cartographic technique for determining areas of soil contamination by heavy metals. International Journal of Environmental Studies. In press.
ONAČILLOVÁ, K., GALLAY, M., PALUBA, D., PÉLIOVÁ, A., TOKARČÍK, O., LAUBERTOVÁ, D. (2022). Combining Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 data in Google Earth Engine to derive higher resolution land surface temperature mapsin urban environment. Remote Sensing 14 (16), 4076.
NOVÁKOVÁ, M., GALLAY, M., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., FERRÉ, E., ASTI, R., DE SAINT BLANQUET, M., BAJOLET, F., SORRIAUX, P. (2022). Correcting laser scanning intensity recorded in a cave environment for high-resolution lithological mapping: a case study of the Gouffre Georges, France. Remote Sensing of Environment, 280, 113210.
NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J., GUROVÁ, P. (2022). Sustainability of social care in Slovakia: Modelling of Possible Load the Existing Network of Residential Social Facilities by the future Senior Population. Moravian Geographical Reports 30 (2), 66-85.
NOSÁĽOVÁ, L., PIKNOVÁ, M., BÓNOVÁ, K., PRISTAŠ, P. (2022). Deep Subsurface Hypersaline Environment as a Source of Novel Species of Halophilic Sulfur‐Oxidizing Bacteria. Microorganisms 10 (5), 995.
KULLA, M., NOVOTNÝ, L., PREGI, L., DVOŘÁK, P., MARTINÁT, S., KLUSÁČEK, P., NAVRÁTIL, J., FRANTÁL, B.: The Good, the Bad, and the Nobody. Exploring diversity of perceptions of anaerobic digestion plants in Central and Eastern Europe. Energy Research and Social Sciences, 102644.
BARABAS, D., BÓNA, J. (2022). Fan-Shaped Drainage Network, Glacis and Loess Tables: Východoslovenská Nížina Lowland. In: Lehotský, M., Boltižiar, M. (eds) Landscapes and Landforms of Slovakia. World Geomorphological Landscapes. Springer, Cham., 267-288.
MARTINÁT, S., CHODKOWSKA-MISZCZUK, J., KULLA, M., NAVRÁTIL, J., KLUSÁČEK, P., DVOŘÁK, P., NOVOTNÝ, L., KREJČÍ, T., PREGI, L., TROJAN, J., FRANTÁL, B. (2022). Best Practice Forever? Dynamics behind the Perception of Farm-Fed Anaerobic Digestion Plants in Rural Peripheries. Energies, 15 (7), 2533.
CSACHOVÁ, S., KIDONOVÁ, D. (2022). Exploring Potential of Sketchnoting as a Tool for Constructing Learner's Knowledge in Geography. European Journal of Educational Research, 11 (2), 1151-1159.
ŠUPINSKÝ, J., KAŇUK, J., NOVÁKOVÁ, M., HOCHMUTH, Z. (2022). LiDAR point clouds processing for large-scale cave mapping: a case study of the Majko dome in the Domica cave. Journal of Maps, 18 (2), 268-275.
HOFIERKA, J., ONAČILLOVÁ, K. (2022). Estimating visible band albedo from aerial orthophotographs in urban areas. Remote Sensing, 14, 164.
HOFIERKA, J., GALLAY, M., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., GALLAYOVÁ, G. (2022). A tangible landscape modeling system for geography education. Education and Information Technologies, 27, 4, 5417-5435.
PREGI, L., NOVOTNÝ, L. (2022). Impact of migration and natural reproduction on the development of the Slovak–Hungarian ethnic boundary in eastern Slovakia, 1991–2018. Regional Statistics, 12, 1, 77-103.
Výber z roku 2021
TIAN Y., BIAN Z., LEI S., JI C., ZHAO Y., ZHANG S., DUAN L., SEDLÁK V. (2021). A process-oriented method for rapid acquisition of canopy height model from RGB point cloud in Semi-arid region. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 12187-12198.
KOLEČANSKÝ, Š., HOFIERKA, J., BOGĽARSKÝ, J., ŠUPINSKÝ, J. (2021). Comparing 2D and 3D Solar Radiation Modeling in Urban Areas. Energies, 14 (24), 8364.
MORAR, C., TIBA, A., BASARIN, B., VUJIČIĆ, M., VALJAREVIĆ, A., NIEMETS, L., GESSERT, A., JOVANOVIC, T., DRUGAS, M., GRAMA, V., STUPARIU, M., STOICA, A., LUKIĆ, T. (2021). Predictors of Changes in Travel Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Tourists’ Personalities. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 11169. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182111169
YU, Z., ZHANG, Q., ZHANG, Y., ZHENG, N., SEDLÁK, V. (2021). Singular value decomposition-based iterative robust cubature Kalman filtering and its application for integrated global positioning system/strapdown inertial navigation system navigation. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 15, 12, 1727-1735.
BÓNOVÁ, K., JAFARZADEH, M., BÓNA, J., MIKUŠ, T., ANJERDI, J., NAJAFZADEH, A., MAHARI, R. (2021). Constraints of rare detrital V-rich tourmaline and rutile on Late Devonian palaeogeographic reconstruction in the Azarbaijan district, NW Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 104943, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2021.104943.
NOVOTNÝ, L., KULLA., M., NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J., PREGI, L., CSACHOVÁ, S. (2021). Performance of Small Towns in an Economically Lagging Regions: A Case Study of the Spiš Region, Slovakia. In: Bański, J. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Small Towns. New York (Routledge), pp. 159-172.
POPOV, A., MINÁR, J., GALLAY, M. (2021). Multiresolution land surface segmentation and generalization of DEM: searching for optimal settings. Transactions in GIS, 25, 5, 2376-2393.
JAFARZADEH, M., BÓNOVÁ K., MIKUŠ, T., BÓNA J., REZAEI-KAHKHAEI, M., TAHERI, A. (2021). Tourmaline and rutile geochemistry in the Early–Middle Devonian sandstones of the Padeha Formation, Alborz Range, Northern Iran. Geological Journal, 56, 4645–4666. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4201
BÓNOVÁ K., JAFARZADEH M., BÓNA J. (2021). Depositional history of the Devonian Ilanqareh and Padeha formations in Azarbaijan Province and Eastern Alborz (Iran): constraints from heavy-mineral microtextures. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 13, 1, 13-26.
PALCSU, L., GESSERT, A., TÚRI, M., KOVÁCS, I., FUTÓ, I., ORSOVSZKI, I., PUSKÁS PRESZNER, A., TEMOVSKI, M., KOLTAI, G. (2021). Long-term time series of environmental tracers reveal recharge and discharge conditions in shallow karst aquifers in Hungary and Slovakia. Journal of Hydrology - Regional Studies, 36, 100858.
GESSERT, A., SLÁDEK, I., STRAKOVÁ, V., BRAUN, M., HEIM, E., CZÉBELY, A., PALCSU, L. (2021). Ionic Runoff as a Way to Determine the Degree of Karst Denudation (Case Study Jasov Plateau, Slovak Karst, Slovakia). Water, 13, 11, 1449. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/11/1449
NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J. (2021). Demographic Changes in Slovak Roma Communities in the New Millennium. Sustainability, 13, 3735. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073735
Výber z roku 2020
JENČO, M., FULAJTÁR, E., BOBÁĽOVÁ, H., MATEČNÝ, I., SAKSA, M., KOŽUCH, M., GALLAY, M., KAŇUK, J., PÍŠ, V., ORŠULOVÁ, V. (2020). Mapping Soil Degradation on Arable Land with Aerial Photography and Erosion Models, Case Study from Danube Lowland, Slovakia. Remote Sensing, 12 (24), 4047.
NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J., GESSERT, A., BRYNDZOVÁ, L., TELBISZ, T. (2020). Behavioural Survey of Local Inhabitants’ Views and Attitudes about Slovak Karst National Park in Slovakia. Sustainability, 12,10029.
HOFIERKA, J., BOGĽARSKÝ, J., KOLEČANSKÝ, Š., ENDEROVA, A. (2020). Modeling Diurnal Changes in Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas under Cloudy Conditions. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 9, 534.
CHODKOWSKA-MISZCZUK, J., MARTINAT, S., KULLA, M., NOVOTNÝ, L. (2020). Renewables projects in peripheries: determinants, challenges and perspectives of biogas plants - insights from Central European countries. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 7, 362-381.
RUSNÁK, M., KAŇUK, J., KIDOVÁ, A., ŠAŠAK, J., LEHOTSKÝ, J., PÖPPL, R., ŠUPINSKÝ, J. (2020). Channel and cut-bluff failure connectivity in a river system: Case study of the braided-wandering Belá River, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Science of The Total Environment, 733, 139409.
BÓNOVÁ, K., PAŃCZYK, M., BÓNA, J. (2020). Surface microtextures and new U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Eocene Strihovce sandstones in the Magura Nappe of the External Western Carpathians - implications for their provenance. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), 109, 1565-1587.
HOFIERKA, J., GALLAY, M., ONAČILLOVÁ, K., HOFIERKA, J. Jr. (2020). Physically-based land surface temperature modeling in urban areas using a 3-D city model and multispectral satellite data. Urban Climate, 31, 100566.
Výber z roku 2019
ŠUPINSKÝ, J., KAŇUK, J., HOCHMUTH, Z., GALLAY, M. (2019). Detecting dynamics of cave floor ice with selective cloud-to-cloud approach. The Cryosphere, 13, 2835-2851.
ŠAŠAK, J., GALLAY, M., KAŇUK, J., HOFIERKA, J., MINÁR, J. (2019). Combined use of terrestrial laser scanning and UAV photogrammetry in mapping alpine terrain. Remote Sensing, 11 (18), 2154.
PREGI, L., NOVOTNÝ, L. (2019). Selective migration of population in functional urban regions of Slovakia. Journal of Maps, 15 (1), 94-102.
BARABAS, D., TKÁČ, M. (2019). Analysing riverbed morphology as a response to changes of geological and neotectonic conditions: A case study of the Oľšava River. Quaestiones Geographicae, 38 (3), 109-122.
NOVOTNÝ, L., KULLA, M., PREGI, L., CSACHOVÁ, S. (2019). Economic transformation of post-communist small towns: Case study of the Lower Spiš Region, Slovakia. Deturope-The Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism, 11 (1), 21-41.
NOVOTNÝ, L. (2019). Impact of Migration on Rural Regions in Post-socialist Slovakia. In. Bański, J. ed. Three Decades of Transformation in the East-Central European Countryside. Cham (Springer), pp. 165-189.
NOVOTNÁ, J., NOVOTNÝ, L. (2019). Industrial clusters in a post-socialist country: A case of the wine industry in Slovakia. Moravian Geographical Reports, 27 (2), 62-78. PDF.
NESTOROVÁ-DICKÁ, J., GESSERT, A., SNINČÁK, I. (2019). Rural and non-rural municipalities in the Slovak Republic. Journal of Maps, 15 (1), 84-93.
BÓNOVÁ, K., BÓNA, J., PAŃCZYK, M., KOVÁČIK, M., MIKUŠ, T., LAURINC, D. (2019). Origin of deep-sea clastics of the Magura Basin (Eocene Makovica sandstones in the Outer Western Carpathians) with constraints of framework petrography, heavy mineral analysis and zircon geochronology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 514, 768-784.