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Erasmus + informácie pre študentov
Zahraniční študenti môžu využiť skvelú príležitosť študovať na Ústave geografie v rámci programu Erasmus + financovaného EÚ. Všetci študenti sú vítaní a odporúčame im kontaktovať koordinátora katedry: Mgr. Katarína Onačillová, PhD.
Bližšie informácie nájdete na stránke Prírodovedeckej fakulty.
Zoznam predmetov pre zahraničných študentov, ktoré sa môžu vyučovať v angličtine
Winter semester
Abbreviation | Course name | ECTS | Range | Semester | Department |
UGE/GIS/15 | Geographic Information Systems | 6 | 2L+2P | winter | Geoinformatics |
UGE/PAM1/21 | Spatial analyses and modelling | 6 | 2L+2P | winter | Geoinformatics |
UGE/BLS/21 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | 4 | 1L+2P | winter | Geoinformatics |
UGE/ LHS/21 | Aerial laser and hyperspectral scanning | 5 | 1L+2P | winter | Geoinformatics |
UGE/ZPRO/21 | Basics of programming (Python) | 4 | 1L+3P | winter | Geoinformatics |
UGE/LOS/18 | Linux and open source GIS | 3 | 2P | winter | Geoinformatics |
UGE/PHR/11 | Natural hazards and risks | 4 | 2L+1P | winter | Physical Geography |
UGE/FGV/21 | Methods of physical geographical research | 3 | 3P | winter | Physical Geography |
UGE/HGS1/21 | Human Geography of Slovakia | 5 | 2L+1P | winter | Human and Regional Geography |
Summer semester
Abbreviation | Course name | ECTS | Range | Semester | Department |
UGE/ISU/21 | Information systems on territory | 5 | 1L+2P | summer | Geoinformatics |
UGE/ZDPZ/21 | Basics of remote sensing of the Earth | 6 | 2L+2P | summer | Geoinformatics |
UGE/MZGD/21 | Geospatial data collection methods | 6 | 2L+2P | summer | Geoinformatics |
UGE/GNS/15 | Global Navigation Satellite Systems | 5 | 2L+2P | summer | Geoinformatics |
UGE/FGS1/21 | Physical Geography of Slovakia | 5 | 2L+1P | summer | Physical Geography |
UGE/ZKAR/21 | Basics of Karstology and Speleology | 3 | 1L+1P | summer | Physical Geography |
UGE/GMP/21 | Geomorphological mapping | 3 | 2P | summer | Physical Geography |
UGE/EXF/21 | Physical Geography Excursion | 3 | 6dP | summer | Physical Geography |
UGE/MLK/21 | Migration and human capital | 3 | 1L + 1P | summer | Human and Regional Geography |
UGE/HGV/21 | Methods of human geographical research | 3 | 3P | summer | Human and Regional Geography |
UGE/EXH/21 | Human Geography Excursion | 3 | 6dP | summer | Human and Regional Geography |
UGE/ZEX1/21 | International Excursion 1 | 4 | 10dP | summer | Human and Regional Geography |
Pri výbere kurzov si prosím skontrolujte sylabus: Erasmus sylaby predmetov
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